
Constituted student body

The bodies and organs of the Constituted Student Body (Verfasste Studierendenschaft, VS) represent the interests of the students of the respective university. The VSs themselves establish an organisational statute, which, at a central level, provides for a legislative body (plenum, student parliament, or similar) and an executive body with at least one chairperson.
We would like to meet regularly with the elected representations of the VSs in order to find out which topics are currently important to the students.  
That is why a "Round Table of the Constituted Student Body" is held with the Managing Director of the Studierendenwerk Stuttgart, Marco Abe, four times a year. Our warm invitation: As an elected representative of the VS, please come to the Round Table with your questions and suggestions on behalf of all students!


  • Tuesday, January 23, 2024 
  • Tuesday, April 30, 2024
  • Tuesday, July 23, 2024
  • Tuesday, Oktober 15, 2024

at 3:00 pm

The representatives of the constituted student bodies will be informed in the invitation letter whether the VS Round Table will take place in a present or virtual form.

Representatives' Meeting

The Representatives' Meeting decides on the statutes of the Studierendenwerk and elects the members of the Governing Board.  
The members of the Representatives' Meeting are:

By the virtue of their offices:

  • Rectors and board members of the universities
  • Administrative directors
  • Management of the local administration of the state academies
  • Managing Directors of the academies

On the basis of elections:

  • Full-time teaching staff and students of the universities, of the state academies and academies where Studierendenwerk Stuttgart is responsible for providing social support to the students. Depending on the number of students at each institution, up to four representatives are elected.


Friday, 19 July 2024, 10:00 am;

location to be announced

Governing Board

The Governing Board appoints, monitors and advises the management of the Studierendenwerk Stuttgart, decides on the establishment of the budget, the annual financial statements and the use of the annual results. In addition, the Governing Board appoints the auditor, discharges the management and passes the contribution schedule.  
The current members of the Governing Board are:

Student representatives:

  • Clarissa Brandenburg, Pädagogische Hochschule Ludwigsburg
  • Fabian Zeisberger, Hochschule der Medien Stuttgart
  • Jonathan Makurath, Hochschule für öffentliche Verwaltung und Finanzen Ludwigsburg
  • Martin Peschel, Universität Stuttgart

University administrations:

  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfram Ressel, Universität Stuttgart,
  • Christof Wörle-Himmel, HMDK (Musikhochschule) Stuttgart
  • Prof. Dr.phil. Jörg-U. Keßler, PH Ludwigsburg


Alternate and substitute members:


  • Jeremias Hubbauer, Universität Stuttgart
  • Christopher Behrmann, Universität Stuttgart


External experts:

  • Herbert Klingohr, Senator E.h
  • Dr. Walter Rogg, Geschäftsführer Wirtschaftsförderung Region Stuttgart GmbH

One member is currently not appointed.


The staff council of the Studierendenwerk (chairman: Jörg Veigel) and the MWK have an advisory function.


The Governing Board is committed to publishing an annual Corporate Governance Report

  • Friday, 12 July 2024, 10:00 am

The meetings of the Governing Board are not open to the public. 


Sekretariat Gremien

Office address

Rosenbergstraße 18
70174 Stuttgart