For many students, jobbing is an important way of financing their studies. However, there are a few pitfalls to avoid here, so that you don’t end up with less at the end than you would have had without the job.
Students receiving student maintenance (“BAföG”), who have family health insurance or have leave to remain for study purposes as per § 16 AufenthG (German immigration law) must take note of a few points.
With BAföG, during a period of 12 months during which the grant is bestowed, an income from holiday and side jobs of up to 6.672 euros a year (556 euros monthly) remains exempt from deductions. Higher incomes will reduce the BAföG entitlement.
It is also important that the success of your studies does not suffer from excess jobbing. After all, in order to keep receiving BAföG payments, at the beginning of the 5th semester a certificate of study must be produced demonstrating that ordinary performance has been achieved to the end of the 4th semester.
With statutory health insurance, family-insured students may earn a maximum of 535 euros per month, otherwise they will be excluded from the family insurance. In the case of income from a mini-job, the limit is 556 euros. Tip: The monthly income-related expenses allowance of 102.50 EUR can be deducted from the salary if applicable. Please ask your health insurance company for details.
International students who have leave to remain for study purposes in Germany may only work on 140 whole or 280 half days per year. They do not need the approval of the immigration authority for this. Prior authorisation from the Foreigners' Registration Office is required for work lasting more than 140 full or 280 half days. As an exception to this, scientific or student-related assistant roles are without limit. Freelance work must be approved by the immigration authority.
In the first year in which a student has leave to remain in the country for measures preparatory to a course of study, work may only be carried out in the holidays.
Regarding paying taxes, pension contributions and health and care insurance, there are various rules depending on the type of employment.
Kinds of employment realtionships
Addresses for Jobs & Career
Please Note
If you have further questions on this topic or other options of financing your studies, you can turn to our social advice!
If you have questions concerning <link en money bafoeg>BAföG, please contact the <link en money bafoeg bafoeg-contacts>Amt für Ausbildungsförderung.