BAföG Reform

The 29th BAföG Amendment Act has been in force since August 2024. Here you can find an overview of the most important changes.


The new regulations apply with the new approval period. Most students will therefore benefit from the improvements from the winter semester 2024/25 onwards. We recommend submitting initial applications and applications for continued funding as early as possible. For approval periods that are already running, the adjustment will take place in October 2024.


New: Study start-up aid

The one-off grant of 1,000 euros is applied for independently of BAföG and does not count towards it.
From 2 September 2024, the study start-up aid can be applied for via BAföG Digital. The application deadline is the end of the second month of study. 
Eligible are persons who

  • are under 25 years old, 
  • are enrolled in a full-time degree programme at a university for the first time in the winter semester 2024/25
  • and can prove that they received a social benefit in the month before the start of their studies. For example:
    • Wohngeld (Housing benefit)
    • Kinderzuschlag (child allowance)
    • Bürgergeld (Citizen's allowance)
    • Sozialhilfe (social assistance)
    • or benefits under the Asylbewerberleistungsgesetz (Asylum Seekers Benefits Act)


Maximum rate for BAföG

The basic need – i.e. the average need for money for living and education costs – increases by 5 percent to 475 euros per month. For students who do not live with their parents, the rent supplement increases to 380 euros. The maximum monthly allowance increases to a maximum of 855 euros for students under 25 years of age, depending on their housing situation or health and long-term care insurance. For 25-30 year olds to a maximum of 992 euros and for over 30 year olds up to 1,088 euros

Flat rate for students WS 2022/23 WS 2024/25
Basic needs 452.00 € 475.00 €
Flat rate
■ with the parents
■ own apartment/ flat share

59.00 €
360.00 €

59.00 €
380.00 €
Surcharge KV and PV*
■ Under 30 years
■ Over 30 years

122.00 €
max. 206.00 €

137.00 €
max. 233.00 €
Maximum rate 1,018.00 € 1,088.00 €

* This surcharge is only granted if you insure yourself (usually only from the age of 25).


Asset allowance

In WS 2024/25, the asset allowance remains at 15,000 euros up to the 30th birthday and at 45,000 euros from the 30th birthday. Assets include, for example, a car, savings book, call money account, cryptocurrency or securities. 

Tax-free amount WS 2022/23 WS 2024/25
for applicants up to 30 years of age 15,000 € 15,000 € (unchanged)
for applicants aged 30 and over 45,000 € 45,000 € (unchanged)
for each child and spouse/partner 2,300 € 2,300 € (unchanged)


Income tax allowances

With the 29th BAföG amendment, the allowances on the income of parents and spouses or partners will increase by 5.25 percent. However, the number and amount of the parental allowances always depends on the family constellation. The BAföG calculator at provides an initial guide to the funding amount.

The tax-free amount on one's own income is also increasing – even with a 556-euro mini-job, students can receive BAföG. This means that 6,672 euros per year are exempt. 

Tax allowances on income
of parents/spouse
WS 2022/23 WS 2024/25
Parents (married) 2,415 € 2,540 €
Parent/Spouse 1,605 € 1,690 €
for newly married spouses
of a natural parent*
805 € 850 €
for children* 736 € 770 €

* own income of the respective person reduces the tax-free allowance or there is no tax-free allowance for higher income


Childcare supplement

The childcare supplement remains at 160 euros per month. It is granted for own children up to 14 years of age. 


age limit

The age limit remains at 45 years. 


no written form requirement

The application can be submitted online without media discontinuity via the nationwide standardised assistant "BAföG Digital".

To do this, students must register with BAföG Digital via BundID. There, the application can be completed online and sent off directly.

Other advantages: the digital assistant provides support and guides you through the application step by step with simple questions. It is checked directly for completeness and plausibility. The processing process can be interrupted and continued later. Evidence can also be uploaded directly. Data can be transferred for subsequent applications and the processing status can be viewed online.


more flexibility

In future, funded students will be able to apply for a one-off flexibility semester in their Bachelor's or Master's degree program beyond the maximum funding period. 


more time for the change

Funded students will be given one semester longer, namely until the beginning of the fifth semester, to change their field of study for an important reason. 

Further information



Office address

Amt für Ausbildungsförderung
Rosenbergstraße 18
70174 Stuttgart