Study start-up aid
Many costs are incurred at the start of your studies – such as for learning materials, a laptop or the rent deposit. The Study start-up aid (Studienstarthilfe) supports young first-year students from low-income households with a one-off grant of 1,000 euros. And the best thing is: you don't have to pay back the grant!
The application deadline is the end of the second month of study. The study start-up aid is applied for independently of BAföG and does not count towards BAföG. You can easily apply via BAföG Digital:
Eligible are persons who
- are under 25 years old,
- are enrolled for the first time at a university in a full-time degree programme
- and can prove that they received one of the following social benefits in the month before the start of their studies
- Wohngeld (Housing benefit; received personally or as a household member)
- Kinderzuschlag (Child allowance; received by themselves or by their parents; not to be confused with ‘Kindergeld’!)
- Bürgergeld (Citizen's allowance; SGB II)
- Sozialhilfe (Social assistance; SGB XII: assistance for subsistence or reduced earning capacity or SGB XIV: victims/survivors of violent offences/neglect/vaccination damage)
- Benefits under the Asylbewerberleistungsgesetz (Asylum Seekers Benefits Act)
- Child and youth welfare services (SGB VIII)
Office address
Amt für AusbildungsförderungRosenbergstraße 18
70174 Stuttgart
Do you have questions about other options for financing your studies? Our social Advice can help!